01-26-2005, 09:00 PM
The Mighty Thor Wrote:But, with next summer's "House of M" storyline and the New Avengers title, I do feel like I should wait this out. Maybe I will kick myself for wasting time and money on 6 more months of Bendis' Avengers, but I just have to know first hand where the man is taking us. Disassembled left me with too many questions to just walk away now.
Thor, think about what you're saying here. How much more of your well-earned money are you going to invest in a storyline that may not pan out? Or worse yet, may not pan out logically, or to your liking?
I regularly download my comics now and I'm saving quite a bit of cash. I regularly review the Avengers title and so have to buy it but most of the time I get it for free. Had these two situations not existed when "Disassembled" came about - I wouldn't be reading Avengers anymore.
This from a hardcore comics fan among whose favorite all time comics is Avengers. I think that says a lot about how I feel about the book right now.
Glenn Walker