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Assignment Great Britian
Kei raised an eyebrow at De, then outwardly objected to his idea, “There is no way in a frozen hell that ya’ll will get me outta my clothes! First, because I don’t wanna have some whacko with the name Scarecrow eyein’ me, and Second, It’s cold in here!” Her phobias had reared their ugly heads…thank god that the Castle didn’t have a nice doll display or she would have been toast.
“Who says he’s even into wahines? He could totally be gay.” She could the rest of the team a serious look, all the while trying to remain calm and keep the screaming child in her head at bay; because that’s what she felt like doing.

Kei felt like having a massive, phobic breakdown, complete with ranting, raving, twitching and whimpering. The whole works, but because she didn’t want to be labeled as any more neurotic than she was, she mentally went through every mantra her psychiatrist had ever tried to instill in her.
“He’s probably not my type anyways, I mean come on doesn’t he like invoke fear or somethin’? Not good for a surfer with a freakin’ laundry list of neurosis guys…I mean, I’m basically the weakest link ya’ll, one false step and I’m rag dolled so to speak. Completely useless and beaten, which brings me back to my previous point.” The Hawaiian surfer paused in her tirade long enough to take a couple deep breaths.
“I’m all for callin’ him outta his hidin’ spot, but I’m not getting’ naked to do it.”

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