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Chapter Three: The Salvation of Paradise
An icy chill ran down Paige’s spine as she watched the scene below, fear creeping into the rational part of her brain as she watched her teammates being drug along by the giant guards. Again the blond southerner was starting to feel helpless and useless standing on the rooftop while the majority of their team was being taken away. Don’t go there Guthrie Paige warned herself, feeling the all to familiar doubts creeping into her mind and once the doubts surfaced soon she knew she’d be rendered useless as she began to feel more and more like that emotional teenager she’d been on the first mission. The one who had used Pete Wisdom as a security blanket and spent a great deal of the mission curled up in a tiny ball trying to block out the rest of the world.

Paige knew for the sake of her current teammates that she couldn’t do that, she couldn’t allow herself to let those all to familiar doubts in. The tiny voices that told her she wasn’t good enough, fast enough or smart enough to save her teammates if they were truly were captured and unable to get themselves free. “Ah can’t shift into anything that’ll be able t’ overtake those guards…” Paige was thinking aloud, maybe in hopes that Franki might pipe up with some brilliant escape plan that’ll keep them from having to put everyone and themselves in serious danger.

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