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Vagabond Knights: Spanish Lands.
“’s not nothin’ but the celebration, Mila.” Yalene responded, downing half the pint of ale she had in her hands, “Ye need to relax, and enjoy.” The small Greek had stopped watching the harbor hours ago, having had her fill of the water; watching it wasn’t the same as being in it. It didn’t hold the same appeal, her urge to be on the sea again was strong, but she knew that wasn’t where she should be right now.
“Come, dance with me.” Yalene urged her companions as she set down her mug and started to melt into the throngs of villagers already dancing raucously to the musicians that were playing Spanish songs.

Yalene remember the last time she had been able to enjoy a celebration such as this, it was in Greece, after the Artemis had finished one of it’s merchant runs. The Greeks held the best festivals in her opinion, but it was nice to feel that same atmosphere once again. Laughing outright, she twirled to the rhythm; the man beads hanging in her hair making a soft jangle noise as she moved.

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