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Chapter Three: The Salvation of Paradise
Paige didn’t like this, she felt like a mouse trapped in one of those horrid little mazes in which their only task is to find the cheese, minus the cheese of course. Every ounce of her being told her to stay on guard so on guard she would be. With her hands hid under the folds of her jacket she quickly peeled off the skin on her finger tips to reveal sharp talons though much more subtle then the talons she used to both climb up and down the building prior to entering the tunnels they would suffice if the young southerner had to defend herself.

Standing next to Franki as they entered the large room in which the people began to murmur about Barry being whom their prophecy had spoken of Paige had to all but fling her hand over her mouth in order to hold in the giggles she felt at the idea of Barry being a savior for these people. “Don’t get me wrong here, Speedy over there is ah sweet kid…but he isn’t yuh’re savior.” Paige quipped her blue eyes scanning the crowd of people warily, her hands firmly hide underneath her jacket.

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