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Actually, there are many reasons to play the rookie versions of all the Heroclix characters. I'll use the characters Enchantress and Poison Ivy played yesterday as my examples.

Chanty used Rookie Wonder Woman because, even though she is a rookie, she is still a pretty good powerhouse. (not to mention the fact that rookie WW is the only version we have.) After she had picked all her other characters, she had 80 points left to fit within her build total. She wanted a flying character, that could deal out decent damage, that came in under her point limit. And since she already had Beast and Gambit who could support her less than great attack value with their Perplex, she was a good choice, even if she was a rookie.

Ivy used the rookie SHIELD Agent for similar reasons. When her build was completed, she had ten points left to use. She could have picked a veteran Thug (which would have done her little good) for those points, or a rookie SHIELD Agent. Even though he is a rookie, he still has that all powerful SHIELD team ability. And if that is all you are looking for (a certain power or team ability) why wate the points on the veteran, when the rookie will do the job just as well. She put him to good use all game, upping Human Torch's damage value to deliver the pain that much more.

So there you go. Even though they may not be as powerful, or live as long, as their Veteran counterparts, the rookie characters can be just as useful, for alot less points.

The Mighty Thor

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