08-07-2005, 08:25 AM
I met her and totally got her autograph!! And to think, when I woke up I was so tired that I was considering not going. Damn what a fool I am. Well, at any rate today was spent much the same as it was last year, running about trying to meet people and get autographs before rushing off to work. Luckily I was able to get to Mercedes and get her to sign a photo for me, and even pose for the above pic. Unfortunately, I wussed out and only took a pic of her instead of being in the pic WITH her.
Stupid stupid Truth.
Aside from her radiance, Ms McNabb, I scored another Michael Turner autograph, as well as one from his extremely talented protege Koi Turnbull. Unfortunately they were the only three I could get to in time. Adam Hughes finished just as I was walking into the building, and the lines for everyone else were so long I would have been late for work if I'd gotten in any.(I was still almost late for work...but for other reasons)
Other people of note at the Con today were Mick Foley and Virgil of professional wrestling fame, Andy Hallet of Angel, and Optimus Prime. That's right..... Optimus. Prime.
You see, this was the first year I was able to take a digital camera to the convention, and while it's an older camera and the quality of the pics isn't the best, I decided to carry on yesterday's search for the best cosplayers and hit the jackpot when Wizard World staff called for all the cosplayers to me up in one spot to participate in a photo shoot. I tagged along, tapped a few shoulders, begged a few people, and had a photo shoot of my own. I'm not going to upload any of the pics until tomorrow night, or later, but her's one I thought our local Enchantress might enjoy.
Tomorrow's goals?
1. If Ms McNabb is still attending I plan on getting a second signature and this time actually taking a picture with her. (So you may actually see a pic of me! You've been warned!!)
2. Find even more cosplayers (if possible) to take pictures of.
3. Track down my missing issues of Agent X
4. Track down a few more issues of Dv8.
5. And of course....have fun.
My largest regret of the day (aside from not having taken that pic with Mercedes) is that I passed on the opportunity to buy Chanty that Rob Liefeld sketchbook she's been talking about for the last few months. I could have gotten it autographed for her and everything.