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Chapter Three: The Salvation of Paradise
The cloak, which had been billowing softly, fell still at Balder's words. Now was not the time for petty indulgence, but rather for unrelenting focus. The cloak had sparcely seen battle, and never all out war, so it's feelings tended towards the "worrying" end of the spectrum. It wasn't concern for itself that troubled it's consciousness, at it could reform itself in time so long as a large enough shred remained, but rather it worried for it's companions.

Whether a person had powers or not was something that held little relevance at times like this. The cloak had borne witness to several powerful entities getting their hind sides kicked by the likes of Strange and Kale alike. So naturally it felt a measure of fear for each of the others about to ebark upon this endeavour. It knew what it was like to be robbed of life, and had even caught a glimpse of the other side. Because of this, it didn't like to see any living creature die, let alone one it liked.

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