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Chapter Three: The Salvation of Paradise
It didn’t ring a bell to Paige, but she was sure with the vast differences amongst their group of heroes someone must know what that place was, and why they would be headed in that direction. Although she hated admitting she didn’t have any idea what the place was, she knew that by keeping silent she wouldn’t be of any help to the team. “Ah haven’t a clue.” Paige commented as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other, anxious about whatever might face them in this battle. Although the young girl had become somewhat of a powerhouse on the battlefield, she still got very nervous before a battle.

“All it means t’ me is that we’re in America.” Paige added, before moving her thoughts to doing a mental run down of all the husks that might come in handy in a battle against Asgardian warriors.

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