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Assignment - R&R
Daniel quickly stood at attention following Chandi's unexpected thump to his posterior, his eyebrows jumping a tad as embarrassment crept into his cheeks. "Of course ladies..." he said with a slight bow and a smile on his face, making sure to take two good steps beackwards before turning from the table lest he be caught off guard again. About the room conversations had dropped to a casual din, the previously boisterious chatter now partly quelled by relaxed spirits and full stomaches. The group of The Guardians sat amongst themselves tossing ideas back and forth about where to purchase some new clothes should they want to follow Kei's idea and head to the beach, or if they should just want to venture out in general.

A few moments later as Daniel returned with their drinks, a small bottle of vodka for AJ and a small plate of tea leaves with strainer and pot of hot water for Chandi, voices were hushed and glances casted at the door as a new couple entered the room, sticking out like sore thumbs. It couldn't be helped though. They had just arrived at the hotel some five minutes prior and were as such, fully dressed. But alas, it wasn't the fact that they were dressed that drew glances and whispered comments, but rather just how counterpoint they were to each other.

The first, a moderately hansome young man who couldn't have been any older than 20 and who's features went unflattered by the overly serious look on his face, was dressed impecibly in a tailored grey suit and tie, stark white shirt, and finely polished shoes of the same smart grey that adorned his body. His hair, of shortish length and an almost strawberry blonde, was combed in and extrodinarily orderly fashion and he looked intently about the room from behind thin rimmed spectacles. He was the very picture of uptight and some in the room imagined him so tightly wound that if he so much as sneezed he might explode.

His companion, an older woman in her late fourties maybe early fifties, stood in sharp constrast to him. At 6'4", she was a full head taller than him and dressed like she was half his age. Long black hair with the slightest hint of grey was pig tailed down to the small of her back, resting against the ruffles of the slightly to small blue and white dress of a fashion one might find on a doll or in an old fairy tale. Contrary to her companion's almost frightening peircing eyes, her's were filled with friendliness......and curiousity. There was something innocent about her. A child-like nature that spoke against her years. In front of her waist she held a small basket by the handle as another woman might a purse by the straps, and smiled warmly at the waiter greeting them as they were approached and informed that this particular breakfast was only for those affected by this mourning's mishap.

The were a few words exchanged between the girl-woman and the waiter before he went off to retrieve a manger, her stalward companion muttering something incoherent to himself the entire time. A few more quieted words were exchanged and she showed him something from her basket, and the two of them were promptly waved in as both waiter and manager stood aside. They began to walk around the room, following no set path, looking for nothing in particular, the young man still muttering and murmuring to himself as he strode about with purpose, the woman moving with a grace and poise fit for a princess as she thanked people for their compliments (whether geniune or not) on her dress.

The four at the table exchanged off hand remarks and laughed quietly amongst themselves as boy and woman continued to stroll about the room, each taking different paths. Every so often the boy would stop and rub at his eyelinds beneath the rim of his glasses, lips ever moving, and the woman would stop and kneel, picking up and dropping something into her basket though no one ever got a good look at exactly what it was. Their table grew quiet a moment as the young man began to circle it, paying them no mind while he continued to mutter and murmur, looking distinctly displeased. And he was just about to walk away from their table when he walked behind AJ's chair and something quite unexpected happened.

Her wings extended to full length, her body jerking upright in it's chair as some unseen magic felt it necessary to expose her to any who might happen to be looking her way at that moment.

Her sudden motion caught the young man by surprise, drawing his attention, as well as a few other patron's, and without missing a beat he tapped her on her shoulder twice and whispered something sounding remotely obscene, and just as suddenly her body relaxed and her wings disappeared. He let his hand linger on her shoulder a moment as he looked around a second or two, finally leaning down and whispering an apology in her ear. Across the room the older woman was giggling, having seen the whole thing and secretly knowing the embarassment that would consume the young man the rest of the day. He shot her a look to turn the most brazen of men to stone, and she responded by sticking out her tongue before turning to skip her way out the room saying "All done." just loud enough for Chandi to hear.

He took his hand from AJ's shoulder and followed this overgrown little girl back into the hallway, leaving the group of more than slightly confused heroes to turn to AJ, the same question springing from their lips almost in unison.

"What was that?"

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