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Chapter Three: The Salvation of Paradise
At Victoria’s question Paige began searching her mind for any memory of ever trying Adamantium out. The tiny blond couldn’t think of a time when she’d tried it, diamond she’d tried, wood she’d tried, silver, gold, steel, and various other kinds of things. But never Adamantium, and now that she thought about it she couldn’t figure out why she hadn’t tried it before. No, ah haven’t tried it. But ah sure as hell can try and give it a whirl. Paige sent the mental reply to Victoria, not wanting the entire team to know that she was unsure as to weather or not she could pull it off. After all Guthrie’s are a prideful bunch, and Paige wasn’t exempt from that and she didn’t fancy having any of her new teammates seeing her insecurities as she tried out this new husk.

Please work. Paige mentally pleading with her body as she began to rip away her skin, staring with her hands first and if it worked on her hands she’d continue the husk. As she began to husk Paige could feel a weight growing in the pit of her stomach, her blue eyes revealing the nerves she now felt as they approached their impending battle. No matter how many battles she was in, and how many she came out of unscathed there would always be that worry that she may not make it out of this one. It would always be on her mind, and every mission she’d tell herself not to worry so much or brood so much on this mission and each time she would. Stop thinkin’ Paige mentally scolded herself, a mask of determination slipping over her usually pleasant features. Her blue eyes holding steeling look to them, at least she could look pierce and strong on the outside. Maybe just maybe it would seep through into her thoughts and she wouldn’t end up feeling like she wouldn’t be able to handle this, after all they were facing Gods.

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