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Chapter Three: The Salvation of Paradise
With vested interest, the Watch listened to Victoria tell of what she had seen in her mind’s eye. They knew that it would take everything they could muster to face the challenge that lay ahead. It wasn’t every day, even for the mightiest of Earth’s heroes, that one went into battle against a god. Let alone a whole army of them. Not needing much prodding, the Kid Flash disappeared in a blur the moment Victoria suggested it. He didn’t need much of an excuse to prove once and for all to his white-haired counterpart who the fastest man alive really was. On Victoria’s right hand, Paige looked around at the teammates walking beside her, doing her best to shut out all doubt, concentrating on forming an adamantium shell just beneath her skin. The picture in her mind began to come into focus as she looked down at her hands, noticing the skin there rippling slightly. She peeled back the layers of derma to reveal a shiny metallic casing that Husk knew to be adamantium. She was ready, as was Abbey. She had set aside all pretense and had drawn her pistols just as soon as they had emerged alone in the desert. All around them, the team was making the necessary preparations. Iron Fist was gathering his chi for the fight of his life, Alex was doing his best to rationalize the gruesome things he may be forced to do in the name of the greater good and Logan was simply walking. Like always, he was more than ready for anything. Or so he thought.

Just then, as they came up to the decrepit cyclone fence that used to encircle the facility, a swirling black form emerged from a nearby shadow, wrapping itself around Batgirl’s familiar form. It imparted all of its gathered knowledge to the young girl, who then relayed it to the team. But as Franki was relaying the Cloak’s concerns over Quicksilver fighting alone, Logan pointed something out. He had, like always, been paying attention in the caves and had noted that Quicksilver did not get sent alone. There was a blonde woman that had been with him: what was her name . . . Warhawk . . . Bird-girl . . . some stupid name or another? Whatever she had called herself, he definitely remembered her going through Strange’s portal with that jackass Pietro. And he told the group that in so many words. At least they knew there was one more powerhouse on their side just a few levels below.

But the question was how best to get to those that needed their help. The front door was an option, as it was blatantly hanging off its hinges, but that would likely only work if they intended to run in with guns blazing. They could have of coarse split up and found their own individual ways in. That would certainly add to the chaos that Quicksilver was seemingly intent on creating. Or there was always the Cloak. It surely seemed to have the ability, and it had the added benefit of already having been inside. There were many ways they could join in the mission, but which one would they choose?

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