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Superman Returns
Well, we went to an 11pm showing last night. Had to find someone to watch the munchkin after she went to bed.

Anyway, if it hadn't been for these three a@^$&(% teenage boys sitting behind us, I probably would have enjoyed the movie more. They did nothing but laugh through the whole thing. Thor turned around at one point and told them to shut up, they got quiet, then towards the end they started up again and I finally spoke up.
They hightailed it out of the theater and were waiting for us in the parking lot, being little smartasses, until the Asgardian in me started after them. They left rather quickly after that.

The movie however, visually stunning. I absolutely loved the nod to the Donner films in the opening credits. And I understand now why my neice has changed her myspace to a Superman myspace. Brandon Routh OWNED Superman (In my opinion). He was great.
Spacey was a good mix between Michael Rosenbaum's Smallville Lex Luthor and Gene Hackman's in the original films.
My only beef, I couldn't get past Cyclops. Seriously stick with one comic book genere. I kept waiting the whole movie for him to screw up and yell "JEAN!" instead of Lois.


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