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There was a time that I knew a thing or two about Supergirl, but she has seemingly become as convoluted as Powergirl to me these days. Instead of trying to explain the little bit of info that I do know, just go to this Wikipedia link. It should give you all the info you desire. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

[Image: 6.5Supergirls.jpg]

I'm pretty sure the white t-shirt/blue skirt version was Linda Danvers after she lost her Earth-Born Angel powers. As for the current Supergirl, I really like the character and the book so far. I just hope that when she gets home from Kandor that she adds a few inches to her skirt. I'm all for cheesecake, but come is a girl supposed to fly around in that?!

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