08-03-2006, 02:24 AM
I don't follow Teen Titans any more, AngelRogue, so I can't be specific to your questions but I do know this:
After the events of Infinite Crisis, all of the regular DCU titles were rebooted 'one year later.' Reportedly, the series 52 will fill in what we've missed in the preceding year but, while it's telling some great stories, I've seen very little filling in myself. Many of the regular books are doing their part to fill in, but I guess that Teen Titans isn't one of them.
After the events of Infinite Crisis, all of the regular DCU titles were rebooted 'one year later.' Reportedly, the series 52 will fill in what we've missed in the preceding year but, while it's telling some great stories, I've seen very little filling in myself. Many of the regular books are doing their part to fill in, but I guess that Teen Titans isn't one of them.