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Reload=Yet another Marvel Money Making scheme?
Ok, when I first heard about this Reload horsecrap, I was skeptical. I'm even more so now.
Granted, these guys need all the help they can get with their dying X-titles. Chris Claremont's rotten egg of X-treme and Grant Morrison's *inserteveryformofprofanityhere* New X-men....they seriously need the help.
However, as I said, I'm skeptical. I personally view it as yet another Marvel Money Making bonanza.
I mean, they're doing a book called "Excalibur" with (as far as I've heard) NONE of the original team, and it's based in Genosha? Yeaaaaahhh....isn't that kinda like doing a "Brotherhood of Evil Mutants" with no Mags?
Then we get Brian Singer on Ultimate X-men.... I'm nervous..I'm very nervous. I actually LIKE Ultimate X-men... Then I hear they are turning Uncanny into Buffy the Vampire Slayer? :roll:
Where have all the decent writers gone.... oh yeah... DC...

Makes me glad that Mark Waid's still around....for now.

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