04-20-2004, 11:09 PM
"Ye were never just a one night stand AJ." said Cam softly, despite the wind whipping across the rooftop. "When ah was ready tae give up on being with other people ye gave me something tae hope for. And the time we spent taegether just made me realise how much a care fer ye. And the time we were apart made me realise how much ah loved ye. And if ah've ruined that chance tae be happy taegether again, ah'm really sorry. Ah dinnae ken how what ah can dae to make ye believe me. If ah a could dae things different, ah wouldnae have gone tae London without ye, but at the time ah guess ah didnae want tae put ye in mare danger. And ye had just found yer family, it wouldnae have been fair tae take ye away fae that."