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Field Trip-The Prelude
As AJ busied herself in her bathroom, Cam stood staring out the window at the winds which still lashed the waves into a froth beyond the beach. He wondered if Spot had been there all day or if he just came into the cove at night. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Vicki lying on the bed eyeing him suspiciously. "So ye are the mysterious Vicki ah heard so much about." he said as another flash of lightning brightened the sky. "Ah hope ye have been takin' good care of her?" he moved away from the window peeling off his soaked shirt and dropping into the chair. Cam looked at Vicki and Vicki looked back at him. "Ah'll take the fact yer staring at me like ah'm something that should be scooped up after ye means ye have been."

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