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The Field Trip
Much like Kei, 'Vok was no where near thrilled about an excursion to the Big Apple. The well camoflaged Skrull leaned heavily against the doorjam of the kitchen, staring at two of Earth's mightiest. "They don't looks like much...I could probably takes 'em," was all 'Vok thought as he eyeballed Hawkeye and Wasp. He had never personally tangled with any of them, but plenty of other Skrulls had crossed the Avenger's path in the past. And as usual, they didn't present the best impression of the race. "Apox knows what will happen when a Skrull sets foot in the Avenger's Mansion. I'll probably be setting off all sorts of bells, whistles and anti-alien security measures," thought 'Vok, unable to get his mind off of how very little he wanted to be a part of this team at this particular moment.

Holding a finger up, hoping to gain Hawkeye's attention, "Any chance I could stay behind with the doll? She could probably use an assist with Spot out there. He and I have a sort of understanding I think, and I really do believe me energies would be best suited on the island."

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