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The Field Trip
“My match?” Chandi raised an eyebrow seemingly unimpressed with Tigra and her reputation. “I’m shaking in my Manola Blahnik’s.” She gave AJ a devious smile and straightened the lapels of her suit, Chandi knew she was a bit over dressed for the occasion but this was New York after all and your appearance was everything especially for the daughter of a worldwide business owner like her father. “I’m not big-noting myself or anything…but I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve that not even you know girl.” Chandi flipped her hair out of her eyes and glanced around the jet itching for the moment that Wasp or Hawkeye informed them that they’d landed.

“Well then, I’ll have to make sure you and me are able to steal a few hours and I’ll introduce you to the interesting people in New York.” Returning ‘Vok’s wink with one of her own Chandi had to giggle at the image of ‘Vok possibly being in the same room with some of the plants more colorful super humans. The feline mutant got a kick of their resident pirate and biggest flirt. “John, you know your worse then a hormonal teenage boy.” Chandi informed him as he was making a point to flirt with almost every female on the jet besides Wasp. “Who me? I’m not holding her tongue hostage….you’d know if I was.” An obvious twinkle had appeared in Chandi’s eyes as she spoke to ‘Vok although inwardly she was still concerned for AJ and the way she’d been acting. I thought Sparky and her made up….doesn’t look that way to me. Holding in a sigh Chandi decided to go back to happier thoughts like their impending landing in New York and the possibility that she may be able to escape Tigra and have some fun in the city she called home most days.

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