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Chapter One: The Watch
Victoria shrugged her shoulders at Tessa.
"I didn't do it, it's all Paige's fault! She's the trouble maker!" Her expression was just as much the mask that Tessa's was.
While her mental conversation continued with Tessa, she vaguely heard someone call her name but dismissed it. It was her practice that she did not pry into others thoughts. Just common practice among upstanding telepaths.
As Rogue began to speak, Victoria arched an eyebrow and looked between Hank, Tessa and Paige.
"You have absolutely no clue, do you? I mean, not to come off like an absolute bitch here, but this whole drama queen thing, it's been done and it's really over-rated. We've all got our own troubles, some that you could never even begin to fathom or want to. Others that would make you curl into a fetal position at the mere thought. But, we've overcome them and moved on. Our Spider-Man here is a prime example of friendlessness. He doesn't want any, because of past experiences and as far as trust goes... no one expects you to trust anyone or ever. But I will tell you this, when someone saves your ass out in the field and that doesn't earn your trust, then you don't belong on a team. And that's my thoughts on the whole damned matter." Without another word, Victoria turned and left the group, everyone could see the firey halo beginning to form around her as she sought to gain control of the Phoenix.

"Tessa..Hank...damage control....we can't stay here much longer...I don't know if I can's taking all my concentration..." Making sure she was a safe distance from everyone and that no one could possibly even see her, she closed her eyes and tilted her head back allowing the all consuming fires within her build to the point where the halo around her became a full fledge forest fire.

"Free at laasstt..." the sing song voice of the Phoenix hissed in her mind.
"No..I can.." sweat fell from her brow as she concentrated on trying to keep the thing at bay. On earth, she was the master of the cosmic power known as the Phoenix force. But having never set foot off of that planet, she had no idea how strong it was in space.

"Or when the Moon was overhead,
Came two young lovers lately wed.
"I am half sick of shadows," said
The Lady of Shalott."

The poem went through Victoria's mind , the one thing she had always been able to count on getting her concentration back and gaining a foothold over the Phoenix...was barely working at this point.

"Oh damn it.."

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