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Who's your favorite X-Man & X-Villian?
Favorite X-Man

Currently: Emma Frost
Overall: Scott Summers

Favorite Villian

Currently: Humanity
Overall: The X-Men


Why Emma?

Because she's not you're typical "Yes Prof. That's a brillant way to go about things." X-Man. She believes in the dream, sure, but she realizes that neither Charles nor Eric are completely correct when it comes to methods to achieve that dream. She's cunning, manipulative, underhanded, caring, compassionate, loving, and an absolute 10 all at once. She's played the game for both sides at least once, and knows just how greay that grey area really is. A more importantly, she actually knows what the grey area is, instead of just running off at the mouth about it like some others.

Why Cyclops?

Because as far as the X goes, he's the man. He's been there kicks tail and takin' names since day one, and even though he's had to give up alot of himself to help those he loves try to realize their dream, he's always known when to take off the kiddie gloves and let you get a peek at the real Scott Sumnmers. Keep in mind, up until this point all we've seen are peeks and glimpses. I have a feeling the real Scott Summers in his entirety has yet to be revealed. But when he is...the world as the X-Men know it is going to change.

Why Humanity?

Becuase they just keep on comin'. Every time you think you've seen just about every wacky idea and sential the humans can throw at the X, they come up with something new. Some new government agency, or religious sect, or private sector, or radical militia group is always right around the corner. And in a world where you're still outnumbered several thousand to's kinda scary to think that the next whack-job to show up en masse with a equally minded group of whack-jobs just might be the one to do you in.

Why the "X"?

Because for years and years and years now they've constantly weakened and defeated themselves time and time again. They have strong leaders, sure. And they have a sigular individual they can all look to for guidance, yes. But they keep splintering off and breaking into smaller and smaller factions chasing after individual threads, instead of unifying and trying to grab the whole damn rug!! X-Factor, X-Force, Excalibur, X-Men Gold, X-Men Blue, the Uncanny, the New, the Astonishing, the X-Statics, the X blah blah blah blah blah.

They're fighting a war. They know they're fighting a war. And yet they'd still all rather run around and try to do things "their way" instead of just swallowing their pride, electing a leader (that's right electing a leader instead of just jumping on the bandwagon and hitching their's to someone else's star), and doing it in a way that will work. Idealism is fine and dandy, I I respect and support a person's right to feel and believe in whatever they want. But when you're fighting for something as massive as these people are fighting for, you need to realise that ideas can only take you so far, and that sometimes it's the things you don't want to do that stand the only chance of reaching the goal you want to achieve.

The dream will never die because there are to many yahoos out there trying to get it done on their own. But the dream will never be realised because....there are to many yahoos out there trying to get it done on their own.

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