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Who's your favorite Avengers and stories...
My favorite Avenger is Thor. But it is so unfair to pin it down to one character. The Avengers are about the team, and when it comes down to it, one character can not shine without his/her teammates.

But my favorite story is much easier to decide on. Without a doubt it has to be the twelve issue maxi-series, Avengers Forever. I choose this story not only because it was such a successfully done work of genius, but because it was the story that got me started on Avengers in the first place. The way Kurt Busiek and Carlos Pacheco wove that incredibly complex story captivated me. It drew me into the vast history of the Avengers and taught me so much about what had come before, and left me clamouring for what was to come next. It is an essential Avengers read if there ever was one.

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