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“Nathaniel, you really know how to explain things in the simplest of terms.” Chandi informed De, an eyebrow raised as she looked at her fellow Aussie. “How ‘bout we put you in charge of getting them together while the rest of use find some nice Japanese botanical garden to relax in.” She quipped an evil glint in her eye and a little smirk playing at the corner of her lips as she thought about the hell they could raise while in Hiroshima.

Chandi had been to Japan once before with her parents, she’d only been about four years old and hadn’t been allowed to leave the hotel without pulling a hood over her head to conceal her cat like resemblance, at that time her parents hadn’t been afraid of her no their fear didn’t surface until her powers began to grow. Though as Chandi remembered the little visit she tried her best to push it out of her mind, she didn’t like dwelling in her past. Her parents and her were on good terms now and she wasn’t going to ruin that by becoming bitter about the past. “Ace, the sooner we get this freak show on the road the sooner I can get home and start ‘getting’ to know Spooky.” Chandi let a soft laugh escape her as she made her little comment, though it was quickly forgotten as John began to ramble on about something to do with green horny monsters.

“Do you know about anymore green monsters in need of a good shag?” Chandi questioned her cat like eyes fixing their gaze on John/’Vok as he spoke. “Because frankly two monsters are bad enough.” She added flipping her dark hair over one shoulder as she tried to make sense of what her teammate was talking about.

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