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After Japan-Assignment Drunken Pirate Party!
The shape shifter had amassed quite the collection of bottles in front of him as the night had progressed, and he had every intention of adding to it. But apparently there was work to be done. From behind his glass wall of drunk, 'Vok shot daggers at the government man sitting across from him. He couldn't put his finger on it, but 'Vok knew that he didn't like Mulder all that much. It might have just been the alcohol, but maybe it was the leacherous way he looked at Chandi and Kei. It wasn't like the Skrull hadn't given them a randy glance a time or two himself, but at least he was doing it in the name of fun. Mulder was a different story. Something about him just screamed creep. And here he sat, in the middle of a perfectly good saloon, talking shop. All the pirate was trying to do was enjoy a nice evening out having some fun with his teammates, and here was this guy Spooky, bringing up business right in the middle of a good buzz.

"Ye interupted our fun for that?! Ye want us to skip the pond and go capture some Wizard of Oz reject terrorizin' the locals? I gots an idea for ye, mate. Call Interpol. Or maybe call S.H.I.E.L.D. Call the blasted Ghost Busters if'n ye have to. Cause we're off duty and me knows for a fact that there be plenty more rum where all this be comin' from. And I don't plan on leavin' until I've sampled the lot of it"

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