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Chapter Three: The Salvation of Paradise
Words and language were not the cloak's strong point. Living without a tongue or ears tended to teach one how to rely on other forms of communications. Regardless, if it could speak then only one word would have been apropriate to describe the sensation of bonding with one such as Hogun.


The feel of Hogun's lifeforce from a distance did absolutely no justice to the feel of it coursing through the cloak's being. It was like....being born. The world itself exploded and was remade in an instant and things that were once cloudly and muddled shone through with an undeniable clarity. There was always that moment of contact when the cloak would glean a bit of it's host's mind and memory, but the memory of a god proved to be something else.

Images and memories and feelings surround Thor and Asgard and Midgard flooded into the cloak. But where as it would have normally be caught off guard and unable to process most of it, Hogun's lifeforce (if it could even be called such) streamlined everything so beautifully. It understood. It understood everything. In that briefest of moments it understood why the world was the way it was. It understood the true meaning of loyalty. And it understood just how feircely this champion of Asgard would hunt it and it's companions down.

Quickly and quietly it guarded itself, it's thoughts, and it's emotions from it's host. Not wanting to alert such a warrior to it's presence and then by proxy the location of its cohorts. It's physical form was pulled just as tightly just as quickly, it's sprawling mass condensed into a belt-like strap that ran across the back of his right boot. Oh it was glorious to be bonded to one such as he, and if not for the sheer terror of it's situation the cloak could have rejoiced in this turn of events. But as it was it would settle to share Hogun's senses, and maybe through some divine act overhear through his ears, or in his head, something that would point it towards Kya and safeguarding this world.

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