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Chapter Three: The Salvation of Paradise
Logan watched as his 'teammates' quickly recovered, taking note of Danny's agility and apparent knowledge of martial arts as well as examining Paige as her 'atire' changed to a form more suitable for defense against his force waves. Though outwardly he appeared unphased by their recovery, mentally he cursed the failing result. Once again, he had failed to take into account his ignorance of his companions and their abilities. Again, he had acted rashly, falsely assuming the people and surroundings he was immersed in were similiar to his own, acting as such. After he had awoken he mentally resolved to cast aside such assumptions, to treat this world and the people in it with an analytical eye and open mind, and not thirty seconds after making such a resolution, he went and broke it. Pride and arogance had overcome logic and reason, as it often did when someone angered him, and under their rash guidance he lashed out.
He regretted his previous actions, for now the situation he found himself in was even less desirable than before, and quickly growing worse. It wasn't fighting the two that bothered him, for even though their talents were unknown to him, he knew that they were no Sinister, no Nathaniel Essex, and because of that he knew he would emerge victorious should a conflict arise from his rash action. No, what bothered him was the time such a battle would consume. Even if he ended the confrontation quickly, too much time would be stripped from him, time that would be better spent finding the Kya the silver haired speedster was so adament on hiding, leaving this world, and returning home. Time was of great value to him, something that could not be idly wasted, and a fight would do just that, waste time.
His eyes shifted to an obviously enraged Iron Fist, who looked eager to repay Logan for the surprise attack, and he bet that Paige shared Danny's feelings. But they never got the chance, for any possible counter attack from the two was halted by a new arrival whose booming rock stature seemed to command the two into silence. Again, Logan mentally cursed. He had assumed that he had been carried to the far end of their base when he was out, and that he would have had more time before the inhabitants would hear him and gather, but once again, he had been wrong.
His stance had not changed since his attack, standing firm and seemingly nonchalant though inside he was analyzing the situation and his options. If the newcomer's appearance was any indication to his strength, the man looked as if he shared a category with Colosus and the Juggernaut. Needless to say, such a possibility was not helping Logan's situation. He had beaten the two before, crippling Marko by impaling his knee caps and using the metal Russian as a battering ram, but never under these conditions. He was corned within the medical room, surrounded by two pissed off 'teammates' and one orange giant, not to mention the growing crowd. It would take him some time to conjur a force wave great enough to not only hurt the behemoth, but to send him flying as well, and his surroudings did not allow him the time neccessary for such an attack. Plus, if the man really was Juggernaut caliber, force waves would be all but useless against him. Casting a tk force great enough to grant him control of the man's body would also take time, and constantly blocking potential blows with his tk shield would be a strain and eventually wear him out. He was sure he could out manuever the rock formed giant, but he knew he wouldn't be able to dodge him forever. Plus, he knew that if he showed any indication of attempting to attack or defend against the towering boulder, the others would quickly step in to aid him.
He was greatly outnumbered, potentially overpowered, and cornered into a room that put great hinderance on his mobility. If he fought, he would loose. He hated to admit defeat, hated to even consider it an outcome, and being his world's most powerful telekentic, he rarely had to. But he knew that even if he was able to take some of them, it was doubtful he could take them all, especially since he was ignorant to their powers and ways to counter them. And what's worse is that again, it would waste time, time that was precious to him, and he could not afford waste time recovering from a confrontation. Could not afford being delayed any longer from completing this mission and returning home to his company... and his brother.
Thomas. The sudden image of his young sibling flooded his mind, and though his face hid it, his eyes portrayed a great sense of sadness and loneliness. He had been seperated from him when he was young, torn from his arms, and stripped of the last person on earth that he cared for, that he loved. Eventually he found his brother, punished those responsible for their seperation, and swore to never be taken from him again. Years later, Strange came with his offer to aid in this mission, and he had acepted with the hope of gaining greater knowledge and power. He left his brother at home, refusing to allow him to tag alone, as he always did if a buisness trip posed a great deal of danger. He would not risk his brother's safety.
Yet up until now, he had never thought of his own safety. The assumption that he was unbeatable had been bored into his mind as his power on his world rose. Yet now, being faced with these odds, for the first time since he met Jean, met Sinister, he felt vulnerable. The possibility of being kept from Thomas, of being hurt or even killed, struck him like a bolt of lightning. On his world he had an arua of being unbeatable, invincible, and it radiated from him infinitely. But here, on this world, with so many uncertainties, of being faced with the threat that stood before him, the arua suddenly deserted him, abandoning him to face the situation alone as his parents had abandoned him years ago, and with it, it took a piece of the towering confidence that drove him to gain such power and defy such odds.
He had said it before, told Parker it more than once, "He who thinks about defeat has already lost", and he knew it to be true. Without his two angered teammates enacting their revenge, without the orange giant delivering any thunderous blows, without any of the other inhabitants aiding in the fight against him, without a single punch being given or attack being made, the battle between them had been decided.
And he lost.
He hadn't realized it before, but during his train of thought his vision had been down cast, gazing at the floor on which he stood. He looked up at the rock that stood before him, meeting his stare with his own, and while his stance was still one that was unphased and defiant to those around him, his eyes told a different story, betraying the confidence his body potrayed with the doubt and uncertainty that resided within him. He did not want to loose his brother, not again, but he knew that, like he did with everyone, he had not made himself the most favorable of people, and he wondered how far these people were willing to show their contempt for him.
For the first time since this mission started, he realized that his fate rested soley within his 'teammates' hands. He realized that he had no knowledge of how to get home, or how to even contact the man who sent them here. If they abandoned him he would have no way to return home, he would be left here for the rest of his natural life, and there was no garuntee that Doctor Strange would not do the same. He hated it, hated to rely on others, hated to feel powerless, helpless, but he knew he would never forgive himself if he left his brother, if he abandoned Thomas. He had to find a way to ensure that such a possibility would not occur, would not come to pass. He had to make sure that he returned to his brother, and he knew that to make that happen, he had to somehow rectify the situation his arogance had gotten him into. He had to make sure that his 'teammates' that hated him did not abandon him as his parents had before, and if that meant appeasing them by offering himself as a punching bag for their hatred, then so be it. He would do anything to get what he desired, even surrender his pride, and what he desired now more than ever, was to be reunited with his brother.
The small narrowing of his eyes ceased, and the invisible telekentic barrier that hovered before him vanished. He made himself defenseless, open for attack, yet hid this direct forfeit by maintaining his nonchalant appearance and stature.
"I do not want to go for a walk just as I did not want them," he directed his eyes towards Danny and Paige, "to continuously impose their morals upon me. What I want is to find Kya, ensure that she puts an end to the false dieties that rule your world, and go home."

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