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Marvel's new X-Force
Ok...while I'll admit I'm not his largest fan, I can't honestly I dislike his artwork. Granted people tend to be a bit....large...when he draws them but overall its still rather reasonable. In my opinion at any rate. My only concern is...why X-Force? I mean...seriously. Sure they became midly interesting to me when Domino and Pete Wisdom came back and Proudstar regained the full scope of his power....but why restart the series when you felt it neccessary to cancel it once before?

I know Marvel is trying to boost sales and salvage itself, and I know X-Force had a nice sized following and offered up some quality stories but relaunching a title that you've taken off the shelves is kinda in the same vein as bring a dead character back to life. Sometimes it works (New Mutants), and sometimes it simply shouldn't be done.

I'll have to wait and see how X-Force fares.

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