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Making Movies: Batman Begins
OK Let's break this down....from a Real Bat Fanatic's perspective....

The car is a bit overkill. My wife hates the new car. I personally think that it looks like a cross between a hotwheel and a sprint/drag race. And both of these are NOT Batmobiles. The Batmobile is supposed to be sleek and graceful, yet formidable and (seemingly)unstopable. This car screams Arnold Schwarzenegger/Azrael/I'm not really sure....... maybe Spawn...but definitely not the Bat. I'm thinking that this has a shot at being a decent Bat-Flick since the first, but only if they don't try to over-emphasize the gadgets. Yes, I totally understand that this is what makes Batman BATMAN. However in the past couple of movies they've come up with more crap to put on that Bat-suit than the FF have in the Baxter Building. Let's get serious...what is the one main weapon of choice for Batman....anyone????.... That's right boys and girls....The Batarang!!!!! THAT'S IT!!!! Not some suit that protects him from a Nuclear (or Nukeular...for those who don't know don't's too long of a story and much to painful on my ego.) fireballs. I like the idear of the grapple hook cause that's classic Bat, but not some grapple with AI that's going to shoot five lines and catch Bat's the villan and the falling building too. It's just not doin' it for me. Thank GOD they haven't given him some kind of gun. I would have a anurism. OK sorry about that I kinda got out of control there. back to business.....

Has anyone heard who the main nemesis is going to be? I'm kinda betting on the scarecrow...but who knows.

The Bat. :dcbat: :bashlamer:

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