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What is the WORST comic you've read recently and why?
My new worst comic is the Identity DISC series from Marvel. It's not a HORRIBLE story. I like the characters, but Robert Rodi just isn't capturing the magic of them quite the way I had hoped. Deadpool remains fairly quiet throughout the story, and as anybody who knows him, that is never true. He did have one extremely funny moment, however when he wouldn't shut up, and Bullseye kept severing his vocal chords with common household objects. Deadpool's healing factor kicked in, and he then continued talking. That was about the most he spoke up. The biggest reason that this one is on my !@$#@ list, however, is because it just "happened" to come out at the same time DC's Identity CRISIS came out. Believe me, for all that aren't reading it. IDENTITY CRISIS overshadows EVERYTHING I'm currently reading as my favorite book right now. Marvel's attempt to share the spotlight leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Bear in mind that I'm also one of the worlds largest Marvel zombies.
When life hands you lemons, you gotta squirt lemon juice and life's eye and make it your B!TCH

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