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Well...from what i gather...oh wait... ~SPOILERS FOR NON US VEIWERS BELOW~!!!!

Anyway....the Adam Knight thing seems to be the talk of the season for the most part. Sure there have some other side stories like Pete and his street racing, but for the most part it's all about Clark vs Liverboy. Yeah...I call him Liverboy. Lionel Luthor's dead set on finding a way to use that special serum of his to because as we just found out in the last episode.

[spoiler]He's come down with a rare liver disease that is going to kill him quite possibly in the next year. At the conclusion of the last episode we see him pull out a gun and slip it into his mouth, just before the screen goes black.[/spoiler]

And yes...while the whole Adam Knight has been wearing a bit thin....I think they might be ready to move onto something else now since...

[spoiler]Adam died shortly after trying to kill Lana[/spoiler]

Ok. That's the end of my post.

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