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Guardians Out of Character Thread
I love having 'Vok paired up with Hawkeye. It is a perfect fit, even if Skrull boy doesn't realize it yet. To 'Vok, any Aveneger is just a stuffed shirt, pain in the butt super-hero. He doesn't really want any part of that scene at all. But it'll be fun when he finally realizes how much he and Clint have in common.

Oh, and by the way, I really like how I am the only one who refers to Skrull boy as 'Vok. The fact that all of you refer to him as John helps to keep the illusion going nicely. It helps everyone keep it straight as to which face he is wearing at the moment. It may get a bit confusing later, when the secret finally gets revealed, and he starts wearing both faces around the team, but I will try to make things clear in my posts. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for helping to make the shape shifting stuff convincing.

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