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Who am I?
Are you from Gotham?
I am male.
I am from Gotham City.
I have a secret identity.
I have not made an in-continuity appearance in the last twenty years.
I am not Batman, Bat-Mite, Don (Dove) Hall, Warhawk or the Anti-Monitor.
There is an animated version of me.

Think outside the box, folks... or in the box, depending on how you look at it. And yes, that is a clue. ;-)

The game has gone on too long, folks.

I am Ace the Bat-Hound. :-)

Who wants to go next?

I am not your average hero.
When life hands you lemons, you gotta squirt lemon juice and life's eye and make it your B!TCH
Do you wear a costume?
Not exactly. It's pretty much this character's everday clothes. Have worn a uniform in the past, though.
When life hands you lemons, you gotta squirt lemon juice and life's eye and make it your B!TCH
Are you Luke Cage, Power Man, Hero for Hire?
-Don't currently wear costume, Previously costumed.
-NOT Luke Cage
When life hands you lemons, you gotta squirt lemon juice and life's eye and make it your B!TCH
I'll shoot from the hip once again :-)

Are you Jessica Jones?
Nope, did that one already.

-Don't currently wear costume, Previously costumed.
-NOT Luke Cage
-NOT Jessica Jones
When life hands you lemons, you gotta squirt lemon juice and life's eye and make it your B!TCH
Okay, let's start basic then....

Are you male or female?
Hey, Glenn. I think we're the only ones playing this one too!

-Don't currently wear costume, Previously costumed.
-NOT Luke Cage
-NOT Jessica Jones
-Male character
When life hands you lemons, you gotta squirt lemon juice and life's eye and make it your B!TCH
Can ya fly?
-Don't currently wear costume, Previously costumed.
-NOT Luke Cage
-NOT Jessica Jones
-Male character
-Unable to fly
When life hands you lemons, you gotta squirt lemon juice and life's eye and make it your B!TCH
Do you or have you ever carried a gun?
-Don't currently wear costume, Previously costumed.
-NOT Luke Cage
-NOT Jessica Jones
-Male character
-Unable to fly
-NO guns...EVER
When life hands you lemons, you gotta squirt lemon juice and life's eye and make it your B!TCH
Have you ever appeared on TV in one form or another?
-Don't currently wear costume, Previously costumed.
-NOT Luke Cage
-NOT Jessica Jones
-Male character
-Unable to fly
-NO guns...EVER
-HAVE made Television appearances
When life hands you lemons, you gotta squirt lemon juice and life's eye and make it your B!TCH
From which Universe do you hail?
-Don't currently wear costume, Previously costumed.
-NOT Luke Cage
-NOT Jessica Jones
-Male character
-Unable to fly
-NO guns...EVER
-HAVE made Television appearances
-Marvel Universe
When life hands you lemons, you gotta squirt lemon juice and life's eye and make it your B!TCH
Are you a team player?
Was your television appearance life action or animated?
-Don't currently wear costume, Previously costumed.
-NOT Luke Cage
-NOT Jessica Jones
-Male character
-Unable to fly
-NO guns...EVER
-HAVE made Television appearances
-Marvel Universe
-Have been known to be a team player
-TV appearance: Animated
When life hands you lemons, you gotta squirt lemon juice and life's eye and make it your B!TCH
Are you Rick Jones?
-Don't currently wear costume, Previously costumed.
-NOT Luke Cage
-NOT Jessica Jones
-Male character
-Unable to fly
-NO guns...EVER
-HAVE made Television appearances
-Marvel Universe
-Have been known to be a team player
-TV appearance: Animated
-I am NOT Rick Jones (good guess, though)
When life hands you lemons, you gotta squirt lemon juice and life's eye and make it your B!TCH

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