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  CrossGen: El Cazador in drydock
Posted by: Local Hero - 05-20-2004, 09:08 PM - Forum: Other Realities... - Replies (1)

[Image: 06el.jpg]Publishing changes continue apace at CrossGen, apparently. Following the previously announced end of Sojourn, it has been revealed, via Diamond solicitations for August, that Kiss Kiss Bang Bang #7 had been cancelled by the publisher, while CG’s Barbara Kesel announced on the CrossGen messageboards that El Cazador will end – albeit temporarily – with issue #6.

Kesel wrote: “The ship that is EL CAZADOR will be putting into port at the end of issue 6. We’re bringing it to rest while Cap’n Chuck goes off in search of a pencilin’ privateer that can fill the boots of our departing Steve Epting. Steve’s been kidnapped by the crew of the good ship Marvel under the terms of exclusivity or death! (Perhaps we’re exaggerating a bit about the death part...) It’ll be an arduous search, but El Cazador will leave port again, 'cause we’d as soon scuttle this scow as gnaw off our own pegleg, so you can be certain you haven’t seen the last of ARRRRRRRR favorite pirate epic!”

The series had been solicited through issue #8, which was scheduled to ship in July.

In regards to Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, given the formerly reported juggle of artist Mike Perkins to Raven House, speculation is running that without Perkins, KKBB is merely going on hiatus until he is done with Raven House.

Inquiries to the health of KKBB as a series were not answered by Kesel.

Additionally, the publisher’s Diamond listing cleared the books, so to speak, canceling the new printing of the first Sojourn trade as well as trade volumes 2-5; the first Traveler edition of Route 666, the third trade collection of Negation, and Warrior Women and Mythic Men: CrossGen Covers.

On the plus side, CrossGen is currently listed as having three books come out in August: Raven House #1, Negation War #6, and Abadazad #6. Lady Death: The Wild Hunt is apparently taking a skip that month. In addition, two trades are still on the schedule: El Cazador vol. 1 Traveler, and Lady Death Traveler vol. 2.

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  Game Rules
Posted by: Theore - 05-20-2004, 10:59 AM - Forum: Game: Vagabond Knights... - Replies (1)

Game Rules

1. If you have a question, ask it! However, arguing with the Game Master will not be permitted. The GM’s decisions are final.

2. Do not decide the outcome of an action..(ie..Jake shot Dave in the head) that is the GM’s job. The GM will decide if Jake’s aim was true and hit Dave in the head, or if Jake shot himself in the foot.

3. All character posts will be made in the third person perspective. (again, see Jake and Dave above) We don’t want to see any ‘I ran through the jungle”(unless your character is speaking to another character, then this type of speech is fine)…or “Dave thinks to himself, while Jake talks to Sue.”

4. Post actions for you character only. Do not post actions for other player’s characters.

5. No out of character posts within the game. Any “OOC Tag” at the bottom of a post should be only to say that the post was OK’d by the GM. Anything else will result in a reprimand from the staff. There is a forum for out of character chat, use it!

6. We would like for these games to be fast paced. A post by each player every few days would be great! If you cannot accomplish this, then please do not petition to join. If you are a player in the games and need some time off, ASK! The GM will be more than happy to send your character on a “side mission” until you are ready to return.

7. These are the guidelines for how your posts should be written. We do this to make the flow of the game smoother, and easier for everyone to play along with. Please incorporate these rules within your game play.
Descriptive posts-plain type
Speech- In "Quotes"
Telepathy/Thinking to yourself- In Italics
Flashbacks- Separated using ~~~~~~~ or ---------------
at the beginning and ending of each flashback.

Please remember this game is set in medieval times so try and tailor your language accordingly. Avoid using modernisms like "Dude".

8. Remember, it is only a game. It’s here for amusement and fun.

9. The GM reserves the right to reprimand players for abusing the rules. Chronic abuse of the rules, or complaints to the GM about a player will be dealt with accordingly.

10. The GM has final call on all characters submitted for the game. No Overly Powerful GOD characters will be allowed in certain games. What fun is a God with no weaknesses?

11. All characters are considered the intellectual property of their creators. Please ask a player prior to doing anything with their character that could be misconstrued as abuse of this rule.

12. The GM also reserves the right to remove a player from the game if they consistantly abuse the rules, are rude or abusive to other players, if they are MIA, or if they become a chronic nuisance.

13. There is no rule #13.

14. You cannot edit your posts after another player has posted behind you. If you want to edit it for spelling or grammer, that is fine. However, editing actions after another player has already posted is not allowed.
Please ask the GM if you need help.

15. We do not use smilies or emoticons in the game. Anyone using them will have their post edited and will get a stern lecture from the GM.

16. Eat your broccoli.

Remember, it's only a game!

The RPG Staff

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  Batman #626
Posted by: Enchantress - 05-20-2004, 01:26 AM - Forum: The Bat Cave... - Replies (5)

"As the crow flys"
Very cool Matt Wagner cover...I'm digging the Dustin Nguyen artwork, and Judd Winick is doing wonderful well with pulling the Batman book out of the "Broken City" story arch that preceeded this one. I was not a huge fan of that story and it left me lost in parts. Anyone know exactly where the Joker fit in that story? and why he showed up at the end? I'm still lost.
Again, Judd Winick is writing Green Arrow and I love it, he starts on Batman and I start liking it again.

He's moving into the ranks of Mark Waid... Lol

Thoughts on the story?

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  The Tenth Circle
Posted by: Enchantress - 05-20-2004, 01:20 AM - Forum: The Watchtower... - Replies (3)

I just read the first few issues of this arc during one sit down. I have to say, after the hideous Tan artwork from the last books, these definately are more appealing and eye delightful than that. The storyline is classic and for that alone I like it.
So tell me, what's your beef with this book?

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  Fantastic Four #512
Posted by: Enchantress - 05-20-2004, 01:16 AM - Forum: 4 Freedoms Plaza... - Replies (2)

Having just read this issue yesterday or so, I had to get in here and post about the greatness of it.

First off, can I gush any more about the GOD that Mark Waid is? I know I know, everyone is tired of hearing it. But seriously, he has just made this book his own.

[spoiler]I loved the whole interaction between Spidey and Torch. It was nice to see it not only touched on, but featured through this whole issue. But I do have to admit, I fell out of the chair laughing at the last panel of the book. Anyone know where I can get FF Boxers like Johnny's???[/spoiler]


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  Name Thor and Chanty's Baby!
Posted by: Enchantress - 05-19-2004, 11:21 PM - Forum: The Pub... - Replies (51)


That's right! We'll be finding out in July what the baby is! So, if you guess and guess correctly! You'll be recieving some SWEET Comics Uncovered Merchandise in the mail!

Also...we will be holding a contest to whoever guesses the weight and time and date of birth as the pregnancy goes on. Your chance to get some great Comics Uncovered merchandise!

Step right up folks! this is your chance at immortalizing your great idea for a baby name.

Come on, share your ideas, no matter how off the wall....It will keep Jeremiah from naming our future child Thor :roll:


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  Reasons to be cheerful
Posted by: Local Hero - 05-19-2004, 08:28 PM - Forum: Moving Pictures... - Replies (3)

I was just humming away to myself there and got to thinking about songs that make me smile. I thought it might be an idea to start a thread on that very subject to find out which songs bring a ray of sunshine into everyone elses life.

The song i was humming was Green Day's Good Riddance (Time of your Life). While the title might not seem like this is the most jolly of songs, if you listen to the lyrics it is actually a very uplifting song, and whenever I hear it I can't help but sing along be it in a bar, at work, or on the underground (which explains some of the funny looks i get Wink )

Another song which cheers me up is Love Can Build A Bridge by The Judds. It has to be this version though and not any revamped one. It is just such a song of hope and belief that it can almost make me cry with joy when i hear it no matter how bad i feel.

Well that's the two which immediately sprung to mind for me, what about the rest of you?

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  Service Outage 22 May 2004
Posted by: Local Hero - 05-18-2004, 10:38 PM - Forum: Comics Uncovered News & Announcements... - Replies (3)

Just a small note to keep everyone in the loop.

On Saturday 22nd May 2004, Pidranet (who host Comics Uncovered) will be re-locating all their servers to a new location. During most of the afternoon (GMT) of 22nd May 2004 (from about mid-day onwards), this site will not be available.

It is not anticipated that the re-location will take that long or indeed cause any significant problems and it is expected that normal service will be resumed within 3-9 hours of when the servers are first taken offline.

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  DC Solicitations
Posted by: Local Hero - 05-17-2004, 11:06 PM - Forum: Hot Off The Presses... - Replies (6)

Click here for a rundown on the comics due in August with over 100 images

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  Marvel: Peter David gets his (multiple) man
Posted by: Local Hero - 05-17-2004, 06:29 PM - Forum: 1407 Graymalkin Lane... - Replies (6)

Posted 16/05/04
Source Newsarama

This weekend's Motor City Con provided one answer for those wondering what Peter David’s future holds. According to the writer, one of his upcoming Marvel projects will star Jamie Madrox, aka, the Multiple Man.

In regard to David’s comments that the character was a mutant whith whom he’d had some familiarity, Madrox was a member of X-Factor while David was writing the book, circa 1991-1993.

For those not familiar with the character, the name is the power. Madrox can create duplicates of himself when struck, turning him into a functioning one-man army. Having first appeared in Giant-Sized Fantastic Four #4, the character remained in the periphery of the X-Universe for years, and was a research assistant for Dr. Moria McTaggart, Professor X’s colleague in Scotland.

The character moved to the X-Factor team when David took over the series, and David’s characterization of Madrox was fairly straightforward (well, as straightforward as a multiple man can be) during his tenure on X-Factor. However, after David’s departure from the series, things weren’t so pretty…or straightforward. The Legacy Virus, death of the “prime” Madrox and survival of a duplicate, the X-Corps, covert ops with Forge, and action on Genosha followed…and saying that the character could do with some streamlining is an understatement.

According to David, speaking at a panel at noon on Saturday, the project will be a five-issue miniseries called Madrox, which will also include Strong Guy (Again, from David’s X-Factor tenure), and Rahne Sinclair (Wolfsbane from X-Force, New Mutants (old and new) as supporting characters.

David described the feel of the series as being along the lines of a crime noir detective story in the ghettos of Mutant Town.

If the five issue mini does well, David plans to lobby for an ongoing Madrox series. The artist on the series will be Pablo Raimondi.

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